Great app/Big flaw

I’ve been using the app for a few months now and love it! Some amazing features and functionality for the price. However…. There is a major flaw I’m going to call out here.

The fact that the app only pulls the first 25 cast members from IMDB is a fail.

  1. When I click on an actors name I want to see ALL the movies I own with he/she in it. And not have to worry that the actor was left out because he/she was 26 on the list. And not have to hunt out info on IMDb and add them myself (which I’ve done about 20 times now)

  2. Some films, such as Tarantino films, have VERY deep cast lists. This doesn’t mean actors 26-50 are minor players. Helen Kim from Kill Bill vol 2 is a perfect example. Very important player from the movie but if you check the app she’s not even in it. Along with two other films of his she’s not listed in. You’d also never know that the lead actress from “Blue is the Warmest Color” is also in Inglorious Basterds because she’s like 30th on the list.

  3. IMDb cast lists are RANDOM af. Sometimes alphabetical, sometimes listed in order of “significance” sometimes neither.

We are movie lovers and movie collectors. We should be able to see ALL the cast members. Not just the first 25 IMDb lists in whatever random order they decide to use.

That said, love the app! Keep up the great work!