
Hi all. Asking for some help. I’ve seen past posts and pics where users were somehow able to group comics together either by picture or title. What I’m trying to do is group connecting covers from different titles together so if I pull one up, I pull them all. Plus if I go looking in the cabinet for them, I know where to look rather than searching each title separately. Anyone have any ideas? And can I do this with the desktop software (if I do it on the app, will it transfer to the software?). TIA :grinning:

Grouping into folders is done like so:

So you don’t actually create folders, but they are created automatically!

Is that what you’re looking for?

Not exactly. What I’m trying to do is tie several comics issues from different series together that make up a connecting cover. Example:

Uncanny Avengers, Vol.4 #1C, Dark X-Men, Vol. 2 #1B, and X-Men, Vol. 5 #25 & 26 together make the Alex Ross X-Men #1 homage cover when connected together. I want to somehow tie or group these together in the app (and desktop if possible), maybe in a folder, but also tie them to one issue so I can put them all together in my box and just go to one location to find them all.

I believe someone in the past has mentioned using tags, but not sure how that would work.

Tags are basically your own custom label for a comic.

If you Edit a comic and go to the Personal tab, you have the option of adding one or more tags (that you have 100% control over what the tags are called).

So you could create a tag called “Alex Ross Connecting Cover” and then add that tag to the issues it applies to. Then you can use the above link describing Grouping and go to the Tags folder and choose the desired tag. In the case of connecting covers, note the app wouldn’t necessarily display the covers in connecting order. So you’d see all comics that make up the image, but the pieces might be out of order.

Maybe you want to easily cluster all of the recent Disney 100 covers or Dazzler Disco covers. Maybe you want to tag anything you want to “upgrade” (so you own a low grade copy but you want to get a higher grade). Maybe you want to tag everything that’s a 1 in 100 variant.

Does that help do what you want?

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I’ll give it a shot. Thanks!

I assume this will work on the desktop software as well?

Yep! And tags sync seamlessly back and forth between the various platforms.