Headers and Tracks

I’m having to add a CD manually that contains a number of “headers” with multiple tracks under each header. When I Add Disk it immediately shows Track 1. I can add a Header, but it adds it under Track 1. I need it to be before Track 1. How does this work? I’ve tried clicking and dragging the created Header…that doesn’t work.

It’s a little awkward, but after adding the header, you can drag the track under the header. Or add all the tracks first, then add headers and drag the tracks under the appropriate headers. If you add a track under a header, hit enter for the next track, it defaults again to not under the header, which seems like a bug, so easier to add them all first, then select and drag to the headers.

Ah! I hadn’t tried dragging the track. I only tried to drag the header. I’ll give that a whirl. Thanks for the advice!

This definitely seems like a bug that should be addressed.

Well, I’ve tried dragging the tracks under the header. Not working. I can’t seem to figure out where to grab the track so it will drag. What’s the trick?

This whole process is not user friendly. :frowning:

Grab the hamburger at the left that you’d use to move the track up or down, drag it below (not on top of) the header.

Here’s a video on how it should work:

What is the bug exactly?

The icon is quite a normal “grab handle” icon, to grab something (click/drag/let go), but I can imagine if you’ve never used it it would not be easy to figure out.

Could you let me know what would make it more user friendly to you?

Good morning AJ. I did finally accomplish dragging the header to the top of the tracks. I also drug tracks to below some headers. One thing I noticed, though…After headers and tracks where I wanted them, there was a blank space between the header and the first track below that header. It had in light grey…Add Tracks to this Header verbiage. BUT, when you save and go to the CD View, that space is not there. That’s interesting but a bit confusing.

While I don’t have many situations like this, it might make things more apparent if when you hovered over the “hamburger” you had a pop up notice that clued you in that this was where/how you drag this item to move it. Maybe that’s more trouble than it’s worth, but for newbies it would be very helpful.

I guess while I have your attention, I’m still looking for the “Manual” that would explain some of this. is that not available?

Thanks for the video and following up with my question.

Good to hear uit worked out in the end. Yes, tracks should be “inside” the header, which you can see with the “indent” the track then has. As you can see in my video.

This header/dragging dropping thing is not explained as such in the manual but it would be good to have a section there about headers/tracks/dragging/stuff like that.
The manual is here:

Can you show me this with screenshots? What it looked like before you saved, and after?

Thank you for posting that. I see. The space in your first screenshot is there to actually drag tracks “on” so you know where to drag.

In the details panel it will just show the header and the tracks.

The text there could be better though like “drag tracks here, or use the Add Tracks button on the right of the Header line to add tracks to this header”. Something like that!

In your screenshot example you currently have no tracks that “are part of that header” - as they are all in one flat list.

Have you been able to drag tracks on that “space” to put them “inside the header”?

Whoa! I thought they were under the header, BUT, I see what you’re saying. I just drug some tracks to that space and the end result is different. Thanks for pointing that out.

Yeah, the verbiage could be a little clearer. But I get it now.


Good to have that cleared up, will think about the verbiage :slight_smile: