Help! Transferring to a new computer

I just got a new computer. Successfully reinstalled Book Collector. I restored from a backup file. My data is all there, but it won’t access my images. I check the help site and it said to do the file maintenance, update files. I did so, following the instructions. It gets to 18% then starts over, and over and over. Then I can’t exit the program, and have to do a Control-alt-delete.

The original folder is this:
C:\Users\Susan Frank\Documents\Book Collector\Images\

The new folder is this.
C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Book Collector\Images

After attempting the update, the path for the first book is now:
C:.…\Owner\Documents\Book CollectorBook CollectorSusan Frank\Documents\Book Collector\Images\38CaliberCoverUp12629365708S_f.jpg

What am I doing wrong?

Can you try to start the move all over again, so again with the .BKC file, originally from the old computer, to the new.

Then make sure to open that BKC file.

Then use Tools > Maintenance > Update File Links

Use Automatic (not manual).

Then: Choose the folder the images are now (as you copied them from the old computer) in so the program knows to search that folder.

Now make it go, and it will reset multiple times, and it can take up to one hour to complete. Just let it go and reset multiple times, just don’t touch it, and don’t CTRL-ALT-DEL out of it… just let it go. It will finish.

See if that solves the problem?

Thank you! That worked :slight_smile:

That’s great, thanks for letting us know!