Horror movies

Any other horror movie fans out there? Share your thoughts on new and old horror titles, the latest stuff you’ve seen, you name it!

I just watched Haunt for the first time last week and had a great time! Seemed like a combination of Funhouse and 31.

Nice, I watched The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster last night. With a title like that I was expecting something of a Horror Comedy. It’s not a horror comedy. It caught me by surprise but I enjoyed it. Pretty much an urban Frankenstein tale. Some pretty good gore too.

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Not that I’m surprised - but Talk to Me is as good as everyone (and now me) says it is.

Such an assured debut.

When Evil Lurks (on Shudder, I think) is also great stuff.

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Ah, I watched Talk to Me pretty much blind and it blew me away! Thanks for the heads up on the other titles guys!

Watched Red State last night and couldn’t believe that’s a Kevin Smith movie! Feels like a horror movie but becomes something else by the end. Hard to find the Blu Ray these days!