How Can I search All Collections at Once?

The subject pretty much explains it. I discovered that I inadvertently dropped a couple comics in the wrong ‘collection’ and was able to move them. What I’d really like to do though, is be able to search all the collections at once, with results showing which ‘collection’ comics are in. It’s rather unwieldy to go through each one individually. Thanks.

Basically, once you feel the need to search all collections at once, that probably means it was not a good idea to split them up.
It is probably better to use ONE collection, then use folders to separate when needed.

How are you using collections?

Apparently not the way I’m supposed to. I’ll look back and redo it (I was using collections to separate different groups, e.g., Hulk Titles, Spider-Man Titles, etc). Thanks for the thought on using folders. I think that didn’t work so well for me the first time I tried to figure stuff out, so I’ll have another look at it. Thanks.

Ah, that’s what it was, I can’t figure out how to create a fooking folder which is why I went the collections route. No nice and simple ‘add folder’ All the ‘Folders’ drop down shows me is ‘No folders’ and a bunch of other premade stuff that is useless to me for what I’m trying to do. My struggle with the software continues… oof.

Have you tried the folder “Series Groups”?

Series Group is a field you can set “per comic”, and once set, the comics will automatically go in that Series Group folder if you tap the folder icon and tap “Series Groups”.

As for creating “your own folders”. You could use the field “Tag” which is also available in the edit screen of every comic.

Then, tap the folder icon top left, and group by the field “Tag”.

(it’s just the mind set that it is not like a “windows app where you create folders and drop files into folders”, but that folders work automatically, based on data you filled in for the fields in your comics)