How do I put images into the thumbnails on an episode?

How do I put images into the thumbnails of an episode?
The ones that exist all have an URL like this.

How do I get an image into the directory?

Brian Madigan

When I add an image as the thumbnail of an episode, I right click on the image I want to use, and then select “Copy Image Link”. I use the image in your question as an example:

Open up the episode that you want to add the image to and then paste the link in the “Image URL” field.

You can also use an image that is on your computer, but you will need to give the complete path to the location of where it is. For example, here is the path for the Backdrop that I am using for Star Trek: The Original Series Season 1:

Its the same principle when adding a image to an episode.

One thing I will warn you about, if you get an image from the web, I would suggest using a website that is popular and static. If the website deletes the photo or revamps itself, the image that you linked to could disappear. Most of my images that I have added come from IMDB, but it is a little bit harder to figure out where a link is for a particular image.
