Hello. When submitting, one must indicate the language of the plot text. How does this work: do you allow multiple-languages per MediaID? During the submitting process of an already existing movie, I see that always the english plot version is presented. Would it make sense that I also submit the plot text and its language which is on the back cover of the item (mainly bought in german region, so I have lots of text in german)? And the other way round: can I choose the language when updating my local data from Core?
I wouldn’t bother with submitting plots. We usually don’t use them as we do not have a 100% sure fire way of seeing if this might be from a website that would be copyrighted. In rare cases we do use the plot for very obscure movies.
In any case, to get the language of your choice for plot, that is a system wide setting:
- open the menu top left
- go to “settings”
- change the core data field.
To get new plots, or replace plots, use Update from Core, then select “Skip” for plot.
Note that we do not have all languages for all movies, and if we don’t it will default to English (if we have that one).
For this: I recommend to not bother submitting for now and just enjoy your own collection.
Thank you for this clarification. I now have a better understanding of how it works