How to identify missing back cover images

Is there a (simple) method in WEB Connect to identify all the movies in my collection that don’t yet have a back cover image attached (in order to upload them manualy)? The only way I’ve come up so far was to inspect the exported XML file. Is there no simpler way ? The back images should for instance be shown in the horizontal cards together with the front images.

There is no way to inspect that in CLZ Movies Web, no, so your method is the way to go for now.

I don’t agree back covers should show in Card view though, that would clutter things a lot. But it would be cool to have it display in the main screen instead of having to click that “turnaround” button.

Do you often view and use the back cover data?

Indeed, I inspect quite often my back covers. Today mainly with help of the DVD Profiler mobile APP, which also allows me to zoom in on the front & back images. I use this when I am selecting my next film to watch or when I’m shopping to compare the versions. Beeing able to catalogue with help of good resolution images is what I was investing most of my time over the 20+ years I was using DVD Profiler. Would be great to continue this experience with help of CLZ Software.

Suggestion: would it be possible to include the back cover (thumbnails) in the Print to PDF ? That would be an easy way to inspect if back covers are missing.

Hm I’m afraid we’ve never seen much interest in such a feature, but if you’re coming from other software that offered something that was normal there, that we do not offer as such, it might be something you’d miss indeed.

Will consider it!

Is there anything on the back of the DVD you specifically look for when selecting a movie to watch? Isn’t that data nicely put in the app itself?

And I do believe we should allow pinch to zoom on our mobile app by the way :slight_smile: yes!

Great to here that pinching could become possible.
At the end of a day, collecting is all about emotions (in this case Movies).
So the first best emotion is to hold the actual physical item in your hands.
And the second best emotion is to browse your collection (Web/App) and having the same impression as if you hold the physical item in your hand. An in my case, that would be to look at the front & back cover in a good (photo?) quality (isn’t that what the digital world is all about :-). A typical collector spends a lot of time to cherish his collection and that would be in my case to store the best possible cover images.

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I would love to see the back covers on the main screen as well!