How to move Music Collector to a New Windows PC

Some years back I remember seeing a thread on how to move Music Collector and database to a new PC. Now I find my self in need of this information. Can anyone point me to instruction on how to do this? Thanks

Never mind, I took a closer look at the the program purchase page and found the download.

The instructions for moving to a different PC are here:

Hi, I have a question about the above. My problem was a bit more urgent so I just downloaded prog and pressed add albums button to dl profiles. Took ages but they are now added. My problem is: I have added an index column but I can’t get it to match the items list. My top two entries are 4 Non Blondes. One is entry number 5 and the other is 20. They should be 1 and 2. Can you please let me know what I have done wrong. Thank you. Derek. I have done the maintenance bit.

Re-Assign Index Values, and choosing the Title fields as the sort order, should do the trick.

Nope. But I eventually fixed it. I deleted all favourites and re-did them and voila.I had already done this before but it still held the glitch and this morning I did it again and it worked. Thanks.

Alwin, Just for your glitch book. As I said, I installed the prog and DL the database. I didn’t restart the prog or computer and I entered 2 records. I noticed later that it had put 2 entries in the DB for each of these records. one was numbered in the 1000s where it should be and the other in the 5000s where it was stuck. The 2nd record was the same but in the 5000s for both entries. I had swatched the PC off over night and in the morning i saw the dup’s and deleted the 5000s entry. after a couple of syncs all was fixed. I hope this makes sense and the moral of the story is restart after a major install and DB download.