Is there a way to use a physical barcode scanner such as Netum instead of cammera app to add new items ?
For scanning barcodes check out our FREE scanner app CLZ Scanner.
Search for “CLZ Scanner” in your App/Play Store on your iOS/Android device.
This scanner app is directly supported in all CLZ Web apps.
For third party scanners:
Any scanner that can emulate keyboard input will work (also called HID devices). Most barcode scanners have this functionality, though for some scanners you will need to install additional “wedge software” to get keyboard emulation. Check your scanner’s specification and/or documentation for more information.
For CLZ Web, your scanner is “just another keyboard”. To use your scanner, just place your cursor in the barcode/ISBN box, then scan a barcode. The barcode will appear inside the box, as if you typed the code with your keyboard.