I need help with comic books

Hey my name is Tommy I just got my ever first comic book to day for my birthday and I have no idea how to begin collecting comics or even how to protect them so I’m asking for suggestions for how to begin and suggestions for protection

Hello Tommy, my name is James.

I’m definitely not an expert in protecting comics so I shall leave the answers to those more qualified.
Perhaps just briefly I would suggest putting your comic with a backing board in a sealable plastic sleeve and store it in a long box.

I assume from your post that you’re very young and if so, let me welcome you to the wonderful club of buying and reading physical comics rather than digital copies.
(Grown ups call this the analog resurgence :sweat_smile:)
If I remember correctly (mind you, we’re talking about 50 years ago!), one of the first comics I was given as a present was Star Trek #25 published by Gold Key (1974!) and I read it over and over… I love it still!
I wish for you the same awesome experience I had growing up, lost between gorgeous comics pages!

Your friend in reading, James

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