I recently understood there won’t be added new features to the Desktop application. I am missing a lot of features anyway, so I won’t go the the Web soon. But something I was missing in desktop and can easily be added on Web that would make life easier.
When you show tags:
Why not make it clickable so I can get all results with this tag?
Other idea’s:
- clicking cast member brings you to IMDb, why not make it possible to quickly filter on a cast member to see which movies you have with that actor? Now you first have to use the filter and search for it. So similar feature as in mobile
- Make Store clickable so you can quickly filter on store when you opened a movie
- Make Audience rating clickable to quickly filter on that
- Distributor, etc.
Ok, classic XY problem. Above is a solution, but my ‘problem’ is: I takes too many steps to filter on stuff based on the movie you already opened. First select the right filter, then search correct value, while you also could say: just click on the field to quickly filter.
I understand it has other implications. But making the Tags clickable makes the most sense. Why a Tag if you can’t click on it? It can be used to quickly relate to other movies with the same Tag. For example if you made a tag for movies based on a particular subject.
Just some ideas.