Identify complete titles/series?

I have 100s if not over 1000 titles in my collection. Is there any way to find out which titles/series are complete (first issue to last) agnostic of cover A, B, etc. It would be nice to be able to see what series have been completed especially mini / maxi series.

That is what the Missing Comics tool is for (in the menu).
Have you tried that one?

Maybe I took it too literal, I was under the impression it showed missing comics not complete series as well? I just tried it and that’s what it does. It’s only showing series that I have missing issues, not complete series. Unless there is an option to “flip” it to complete series?

Age of Apocalypse Vol. 1 it shows I’m missing 13 issues
Age of Apocalypse Vol. 2 I know is complete issues 1-5 and it is absent from the missing comics list. As it should be?

The missing comics tool will only show series that are missing comics.

You can mark series as complete by the way:

And you can filter on that too to only show “completed” series if you like.

The problem is, to mark a series as complete I need to scroll through every series (likely over 1000 series, I have 28k comics in my database right now) in my collection and check if it’s complete manually. If the app can identify an incomplete series can’t it find the inverse, complete series?

I guess it could, but it would depend what you would consider complete or not. With or without variants? But yeah. Something to think about.

Variant agnostic, which I believe is the same as the missing comics feature… Thank you.

The Missing Comics tool actually let you consider variants too, it’s an option.