Incorrect Cast/Crew data shown when editing record and moving to a different record

Scenario is as follows:

  1. Open a film in a collection (example, The Social Network)
  2. Click Edit button
  3. Switch to Cast tab, observe Jesse Eisenberg is the top listing
  4. Switch to Crew tab, observe David Fincher is the top listing
  5. Return to Main tab and click either of the arrow buttons to browse to a new record
  6. Observe that the Main tab is populated as expected (example, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
  7. Switch to the Cast tab, observe Jesse Eisenberg is still the top listing (and all other rows are for The Social Network)
  8. Switch to Crew tab, observe David Fincher is still the top listing (and all other rows are for The Social Network)
  9. Use the back arrow to exit, observe given a warning about unsaved changes, even though no fields have been updated

Confirmed this happening multiple times with various titles, not just the two examples provided here. App version is 9.5.5 on Android.

I can reproduce this, very strange. I’ve reported the bug so we can work on a fix,

Looks like a display problem only though (nothing really gets changed) - but, we will work on a fix! Thanks for reporting this.