Incorrect total of comics

I just noticed that the total number of comics within a particular collection is inaccurate at the top of the Comic Connect screen.

Instead, the system seems to add up only each individual comic listing but isn’t adding up the total quantity for that item.

For example, if I had a quantity of “2” for Amazing Spider-Man #375, it would only count as “1” in my total number of comics when it should really count as two separate comics. To work around this, I’d have to duplicate each listing for the system to calculate the total accurately, which doesn’t seem very efficient.

I hope this makes sense, but let me know if you need further clarification. I am unsure if this is a known issue, but I just wanted to inform you. Thank you!!

The total at the top of a list is always the “amount of lines” there. That is intentional there.

If you would have 10 comics in a folder, and 4 of those are marked as “wish list”, the total will show “10” as you’re seeing 10 lines.

Both numbers at the top would likely be useful, I understand.

Actual totals can be found in the Statistics screen!

Hope that explains it, I’ve taken note of your wish.