IOS app crash: group by character

Issue: My app crashes on launch


  • I flipped my main view to be grouped by character
  • scrolled to “Jeff”
  • selected “Jeff”

IOS CLZ app disappears and crashes.
Now, CLZ app crashes on launch, everytime.

Is there a way to reset the view without opening the app?


We would like to see a crash log from your device so we can see why it is crashing.

Here’s how to obtain one:

  1. Reproduce the crash.
  2. Open iOS’s settings app.
  3. Choose ‘Privacy & Security’
  4. Choose ‘Analytics & Improvements’
  5. Choose ‘Analytics Data’
  6. Pick the latest entry from the list which corresponds with the crashing app. The file name should correspond with the app, and the current date.
  7. Tap the ‘share’ button. (The square icon with the arrow pointing out of it).
  8. Select ‘Mail’ in the menu that pops up.
  9. Send the e-mail message to: contact AT collectorz DOT com

I have no way to reset the view from outside the app other than to reinstall, but that would mean to “redownload” your comics - and since I see you have quite a lot of them, that might be a full day sync there… so I’d hold off on that just for now.