Iron Man: Evolution of an Icon

I can’t find this one in the core? There is Hulk, Wolverine and Beast, but no Iron Man.

@Stume04 this isn’t listed in Core. This is a posterbook, am I right?

I know the others are listed. They have been for a while now. But seeing this isn’t a comic I would instead advice to manually add this one to your local database, should you be interested.

I hope this answered your question.

@CLZ_Rowdy, I’ve definitely added comic-related things to my local database that are easy for me to see that they wouldn’t be “Core worthy”, but admittedly this one feels different. It looks like I have around 150 comics that were included with various Marvel Legends action figures. Most are reprints. But a few are the size of a regular comic and are poster books of artwork from existing covers.

Consider the recent round of DC’s “Uncovered” series (like “Birds of Prey: Uncovered” and “Catwoman: Uncovered”). These are just compilations of various covers, along with maybe 2-3 pages of new dialogue explaining what the covers are.

And we have the various “Gallery” comics (like “JLA Gallery” and “Wonder Woman Gallery”). Those are also all just pin-up books the size of regular comics. If I recall correctly, there is no new dialogue or artwork in those.

I already have the Iron Man poster books in my personal collection (it looks like they were indexed at one time – I show CLZ Series ID 20877 and the Core ComicIDs as 630339, 250199 and 180277).

I don’t see any of those in CovrPrice, so it’s not like we’re losing out on their values at the moment.

That’s a long way of saying I’m not missing anything by not having these in the Core, but it does feel a little strange to have many poster books indexed but not the Iron Man ones.

Just my two cents… :slight_smile:

Noted and I appreciate your two cents and perspective, @Reinharc