Is there an example of what is the correct information in datafields

I had the old desktop version and now the mobile and web apps.
I have recently redone my library (some of my books seem to have disappeared from the database but that is a problem for another day).

Obviously, with a database this size with so many people entering data there are errors in some data fields. Is there an example of what should be in each field?

My specific situation which prompted this message is my Penguin Classics. Printed by the Penguin Group, most are titles that no longer are covered by copyright and have become ‘classics’.

There are hundreds, probably thousands, of books published under this umbrella ‘series’ but all they have in common is a style of cover or format. I want to be able to distinguish this format as I do have duplicates titles by other publishers, some of whom have their own ‘collection by format’.

Would I use ‘edition’ or ‘issue’ to categorise the ‘Penguin Classic’ version?

There are a few other data fields where I am not 100% sure what should be in that field. This might due to language, it not being applicable or another reason but I would be interested if there is a guide to what information goes into which data field.

With thanks

Hi Chel,

I’m afraid I have no guide as to what to put in fields but others might chime in to let you know how they would do it. Bottom line, the software is for you to use as you want, and you are completely free to use the fields as you see fit.

You could use Edition, you could also use “Format”, or even “Tags” (just an example).

You can later use the folder icon in your software and group on FORMAT or TAGS to quickly see all books you’ve added “Penguin Classic” as format or tag to.