Is this a bug in the App?


This is about the Edit Movie screen and the Links tab. At the moment I want to add a character to the existing text in the Description field. I thought the smoothest way to do this was to make the edit and use the top right arrow to go to the next movie, make the edit and so on until I’ve done a bunch of movies. I press Done and thought that ALL my changes would be saved but only the changes to the last item is made.

Is this the way it should work or is it a bug?

That sounds like a bug. The Next arrow should indeed Save each entry.

Will try to reproduce this. Is this on iOS or Android?

I’m on Android.

I tried some more editing and this only happens in the Links tab. If I edit fields in other tabs those changes are saved when using the arrows.

I’m not able to reproduce this problem on my Android here (and I need to before we can work on a fix).

I’ve done this:

  1. Tapped on a movie on Android phone
  2. Tapped on Edit
  3. Tapped on the LINKS tab
  4. Added 1 single URL without a URL description
  5. Tapped on the > next arrow
  6. Filled in another URL for this next movie
  7. Taped DONE

I then checked and both movies had the URL I filled in.

Is there a step I’m doing wrong/different than you?

The URL and Description is already filled and this happens when I add a character to the description (which already has a value).

Adding Links and Deleting Links works fine, those changes gets saved when using the arrows (tried it myself right now), but adding a character to a preexisting description doesn’t (at least not for me)

Thank you for the extra information. I was able to reproduce the problem now and have made a bug report out of it so we can work on a fix. Thanks for reporting this.

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