Issue with search

I have experienced an issue with the search function recently on both my iPhone and iPad. I type the words of the book and when the series pops up I click on it and nothing happens. I then type the words and instead of clicking on the title I just hit search and then it works. I am posting a short video of my issue. Apps are up to date.

Hi @verga_grande ! That looks very strange.

We are investigating and I will get back to you!


It seems that if you have “Show Series Sort Names” switched on which can cause this bug.

Go to menu top left, go to Settings, and then disable the “Show Series Sort Names” and then try again - this will fix the problem for now.

We have put the bug on our bug list for fixing. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!


Just switched it off and it works. Thanks!

Sorry, didn’t see your message about the SQLite file. You still want/need it?

No need for the SQL Lite file, I removed that message actually because right after I posted it, one of our developers found the cause of your issue :slight_smile:

We’ll work on a fix for it anyway of course!