John Wick #1C Variant Photo Cover

CovrPrice shows $8 which is way to low for this book.

Looks like a $7.50 sale was tracked on Sept 6:

Not sure if that is correct.

I just checked again and the last 4 eBay sales were over $50 each so it is way off. I just bought it for $50.

Do you maybe have your grade in your collection set to 9.6 or 9.8?

That shows as $8 from over two years ago. The NM bucket is $82 from a few months ago.

It looks like some of the recent sales you are seeing are tracked in the No Grade bucket.

My experience is that I get a lot more reliable values when I use the NM bucket (I personally set all of my nice-looking raws to 9.4 when adding them). That’s the high end of the NM bucket. I think a lot of sellers tend to call their books NM (as opposed to NM+) to allow for minor imperfections…

If you changed your grade to 9.4, it should change to $82…

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Thank you! Most everything I have is NM or better. I used to only put a grade when it was a graded book and the values were low so I was told to put a grade and since most everything I have is high grade I went with 9.6. I will take your advice and change that. Do you know how I can do that across my collection minus the graded books?

You can Edit Multiple. In short, you can go into any folder, press and hold on one comic until you enter Select mode, choose any number of comics (or tap All), then choose Edit from the Action menu in the lower right corner, choose Grade and set it to 9.4.

The developers did a video tutorial that can follow along to. The video is from an older version of CLZ Comics, and so while the general process is the same, the screens may look a little different.

In your case, you can into your Raw/Slabbed / Grade folder. That will first ask you to choose if you want to look at your Raw or Slabbed comics. Choose Raw. Then you should see the various grades – and you should have a 9.6 folder. Go in there. That should be all of your 9.6 Raw comics. You can then select any or all of those and change them to a 9.4.

A couple of minor warnings:

  • There is no Undo with Edit Multiple. So I might recommend trying it on 2–3 comics the first time just to get the feel for it before you go all in.

  • You might have a small moment of “my comics disappeared!” after you Edit Multiple. That’s only because you’d still be in the 9.6 folder and they would be moved to the 9.4 folder. If you change to the 9.4 folder, they will be there. :slight_smile:

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I can look into it further but very often there just aren’t a lot of sales in the NM+ bucket. As such, if you have your comics marked as 9.6 or 9.8 raw copies and the system ahs some sort of NM+ history, you’ll get a FMV based on that data. For moderns, there’s usually a LOT more sales data in the NM bucket. As such, unless you’re certain your copy is 9.6 or higher, if its a really nice copy and raw I’d suggest going with something like 9.4.

The alternative path is to look at the sales data on CovrPrice and if there’s more recent NM bucket data but you have a higher grade copy, use that NM bucket value and bump it up a bit and set your own value. I’d prefer to use the NM bucket because then as new sales data comes in you get the benefit of automatic price adjustments, but its just another option for you.

Yeah, its correct (see picture) - that’s just the last NM+ raw sale for the book. Guessing most people who have super high grade copies and who put them up for sale get them slabbed. So definitely recommend using the NM bucket to get more in the ballpark for a high grade raw copy right now.

Thank you Ryan! I did this and it shows $82 now. It was easy to change that on thousands of comics at one time!

Hello Mr. Day. Thank you for your input. This is disappointing because I would think that if a lower grade sold for more it would capture that because of course a higher grade will be worth that or more. Also that $7.50 sale was an auction and an anomaly. Whoever bought that got a steal of a deal!

We currently only deal in actual sales, not projected sales. So if there’s no more recent sales data at a given grade, the last sales at that grade will govern that grade’s FMV. Seems like it would be easy to just bump up the price on that higher grade, but people forget that there’s quite a few factors involved in a book’s sale. What if a new NM+ raw sale came in but it was lower than NM sales? Do you use the NM+ sale to update the NM prices or do you use the NM prices to update the NM+ bucket? What if that NM+ sale was an auction, whereas other NM sales were BIN’s at higher prices? What if that NM+ sale comes in, is lower than NM, but the NM sale is from a year ago? What if that NM+ sale was from a somewhat less reputable seller who has a history of overgrading?