Jumping to Specific Location

New user. Is there a way to skip to a certain part of your movie list? For example, to skip to movies beginning with “L”. Currently, I have to scroll in both directions. As I am approaching 1,000 movies, this is not acceptable. It’s probably a setting somewhere, but I was unable to find it.

The iOS app has this built-in, as it is native iOS functionality.

I assume you are on Android?

Have you tried using the search box more?

Yes, I am on an Android device. When I enter “L” in the search box, it gives me a list of movies that have a “L” in the title. It does not take me to the beginning of the movies beginning with the letter “L”.

Of course.

But I was assuming that you wanted to go to the beginning of the letter L movies because you were looking for a SPECIFIC movie that started with L. So that is why I suggested the search box. Sorry!

Another app builds an alphabet index on the right for the items in the list. If the list does not have any entries beginning with the letter “U”, then the “U” index does not exist. Including a sample image.


Yes, that is what our iOS app does, but that basically comes free with the iOS system.

For Android, we would have to create that from scratch. This is on our ideas list.