Lady Mechanika titles rename/re-org?

I know this isn’t a huge character, but any chance the core could be renamed/re-organized or standardized for the individual titles? There are currently some series that are cataloged simply as “Lady Mechanika” with the series title shown below it in the description. Then some are listed as “Lady Mechanika (Benitez Productions)” with the series title below in the description. Then the newer one as listed as “Lady Mechanika: Series Title”, i.e “Lady Mechanika: Sangre”. Some I believe are cataloged using 2 of the above examples which makes it hard to make sure you’re adding the right one to your collection if the barcode is being recycled. It makes it even harder to find and add missing issues to your want list.

This is the information of all the releases to date with their series names in order released if it helps.

**The Demon of Satan's Alley** #0 (2010) - Compiled into Volume 1 TPB & Volume 1 HC
**The Mystery of Mechanical Corpse** #1–5 (2011-2015) - Compiled into Volume 1 TPB & Volume 1 HC
**The Tablet of Destinies** #1–6 (2015) - Compiled into Volume 2 TPB & Volume 2 HC
**The Lost Boys of West Abbey** #1–2 (2016) - Compiled into Volume 3 TPB & Volume 3 HC
**La Dama de la Muerte** #1–3 (2016) - Compiled into Day of the Dead Special TPB & Volume 4 HC
**The Clockwork Assassin** #1–3 (2017) - Compiled into Volume 4 TPB & Volume 3 HC
**Two (FCBD 2018)** - Compiled into Volume 5 TPB & Volume 4 HC
**La Belle Dame sans Merci** #1–3 (2018) - Compiled into Volume 5 TPB & Volume 4 HC
**Sangre** #1–5 (2020) - Compiled into Volume 6 TPB & Volume 5 HC
**The Monster of the Ministry of Hell** #1–4 (2022) - Compiled into Volume 7 TPB
**The Devil in the Lake** #1-3 (2023) - Ongoing. There are Kickstarter and regular versions of some of these covers.


@BrianW this series, at least the runs for the English market, have been published by at least three different publishers: Aspens Comics, Image Comics and Benitez Productions with some apparently reprinting earlier work.

We strive to have the series and the issues in them listed by publisher, and in a correct manner.

If there are issues listed incorrectly I would be more than willing to correct these but I’m afraid I can’t do much with the information you provided here.

Rowdy, I appreciate the response. AFAIK the publisher information is correct for everything in core. It’s just confusing distinguishing some of the series from each other the way the titles are currently presented. If you search by series in add comic some series have the publisher in the title instead of the series name. You have to open each entry and look to see what is there. I think it would be easier to use if the series titles were all included in the displayed name instead of just the publisher. The Demon of Satan’s Alley was published by both Aspen and Benitez Productions. You can’t determine what the series is without opening the series listing.
Maybe Lady Mechanika: The Demon of Satan’s Alley (Aspen Comics) instead of Lady Mechanika (Aspen Comics) or whatever series it is… etc for the ones with multiple publishers?

Also some don’t contain the series name at all in the core entry, i.e Lady Mechanika (Aspen Comics) #3A from 04/20/2011 is in the Mystery of the Mechanical Corpse series. I believe all the issues are missing that information.

Does that help? Or maybe it’s just me and it’s fine the way it is, that’s always a possibility :slight_smile:

I’m afraid this is the best we can do though. However shouldn’t searching on the barcode of your copy give you a more direct result?

Ok, thanks. If that’s the best you can do I’ll have to live with it. Hopefully I’ll figure out which issues from the earlier series I really need and it won’t matter how they’re listed.