Let me add more pictures

I can only add a front and back cover in the Web and APP version. In the Windows version I can add more pictures - but they are not synced to the CLZ cloud.

It would be nice to have the possibility of a couple more pictures. 2 additional pictures would be the minimum - one for the cartridge and one for the manual.

Especially the cartridge is necessary - because there are different types of cartridges for the same games. A cartridge has 3 sides (front, back and top label) - but I can merge those into one picture. For the manual the same thing, I can merge front and back into one picture.

Now I need to use the “back cover” to put the back cover of the box, and the 3 sides of a cartridge and the 2 sides of a manual into one picture. The pictures are now that small that way too many details are missing.

Of course adding a screenshot of the game itself would be great too.

I used a different tool before (Retro Game Collector) - and there you could add many pictures.

Possibility to add more pictures:

  • Cartridge
  • Manual
  • Screenshot (optional)

Good idea, and I’m happy to let you know that it is on our project list indeed to allow more pictures per item!

Good afternoon! In general I am happy with the move from Retro Game Collector to your application. The only real downside now - is the limit of only 2 pictures. Can you highlight when “more pictures” is planned on your roadmap?

I am now photographing the “Front” as number 1 and the “Back + manual + cartridge” as a combined number 2… But I do want to start over and use a flatbed scanner to rescan all… My friend is still using RGC and I am absolutely jealous about his pictures database in his APP… :wink:

I don’t have an exact date or roadmap for you here I’m afraid. First up is a major overhaul of the Add Games screen. More images is something we hope to start this year, and I’m pretty sure we will be able to, but we can’t make promises right now. Sorry about that!

Still I’m happy to hear you are happy… in general with the move to Game Connect :slight_smile:

I will keep you updated on this.