Link up request

Hi Team,

Can I ask that the following be linked up to CovrPrice? Thanks!

Thank you!


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Another one :slight_smile:

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Ok last one :stuck_out_tongue:

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All have been linked!

Danger Girl, #0B: The link you provided is a different book, less of a blue cover too :slight_smile:

Lady Death Masters: Could you send a screenshot of your entry? I have linked this to the right book but this series might have been split up as we don’t have a variant letter that high in any of the masters series

@CLZ_Justin I can confirm that the Danger Girl #0 is the same book, not sure why the coloring is off. I can pull my copy if you’d like me to confirm.

Here is my entry for the Lady Death: Masters #1. Let me know if I need to do anything on my end (re-link/remove & re-add).

@CLZ_Justin did you see my replies above?

Have another one as well :slight_smile:

yeh, sorry had a few days off. Could you remove the Lady Death Masters 1I and add it from “Lady Death Masters: Mike DeBalfo”? It looks like they were split into their own series per artist

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Could you share a few pictures of danger girl interior pages? Unable to find them online

@CLZ_Justin you bet. I never realised that it was a flip book. I’m starting to wonder if this should be broken out as it’s own series…

The key is also wrong, if this came out when Danger Girl #3 was in stores…

I uploaded the back cover to the core.

I have changed it to #3 as the preview pages thatare the 1st few pages from #3. I decided against having it as a separate series because it doesn’t mention wildcats in the indicia. The duplicate has also been merged. Thank you for get back so quickly :grin:

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Of course - It does mention Wildcats in the indicia on the flip side though :grimacing: and technically it lists it as ‘Danger Girl San Diego Preview’.

I have decided to put it under it’s own series. You can now find it as “Danger Girl / WildC.A.T.s San Diego Preview”

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