[Linked] Green Hornet #1 value not updating

The CovrPrice value for my 8.5 slabbed1966 Gold Key Green Hornet #1 is not updating. There is a recent value listed at that grade on CovrPrice and I have updated from Core. Is this one that that the CLZ Core still needs to link by chance?

First, to update your values, you need to use the Update Values tool, not Update from Core. Maybe that is what you meant, but I have to be sure.

If you don’t see a value box at all, could be. But if you already see a CovrPrice value and it is not updating, then it must be already linked.

Finally, which Green Hornet series is this about exactly?

Yes. The Update Value Tool is where I started and then moved on to the Update From Core tool to see if that did anything.
The issue in question is the 1967 Gold Key(Western Publishing) Green Hornet #1, slabbed and graded at 8.5. The CovrPrice site shows a current value, I just can’t get it to convert over to Comic Connect.
I also confirmed that I was subscribed to CovrPrice.

This one?

Found the series now, the one with three 1967 issues.
That one was indeed not linked with CovrPrice yet. Now it is!
Thanks for reporting!

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That was one. Thank you so much for the help!