[Linked] J. Scott Campbell - Unlinked

Hi Team,

I’m soooooo sorry, but I have found a load of my books aren’t linked in CovrPrice. In fact, some CovrPrice didn’t event have! So I’ve made a separate request with them.

When you get time, here are those that aren’t linked in CLZ (part 1):

Thank you so much!


Where is the list of books that aren’t in CP? Thanks.

I used the ticketing system on CP to flag those. It’s a list, do you want those here as well?

@CLZ_Alwin really sorry, I posted this in the wrong topic - can you move it to the CovrPrice link thread?

Moved now.

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you don’t have to do that, but if you DM me your CP username and the email you use related to your CP account I can follow up on those requests.

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@FranDropik for clarity, the ones that are not listed in CP yet, are those included in the list above?

( I just want to prevent the CLZ content guys spending time trying to link things that can’t be linked yet )

The list in this thread is for books in CLZ not linked with CP. I kept those missing in CP separate - once they are added I can create a new thread. Unless there is a preferred method?

Ah excellent.

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I have some books I recently got added to CLZ and missing in CP also. I submitted request there. Can you check on these when you have time.

shoot me a dm

All have been linked. The following were already linked or had some issues:

  • Lady Death: Gallery, 1I & Lady Death: Gallery, 1J: There are 2 series, 1 from Diamond and from Coffin Comics store. Both share the exact same comic you want me to link. The 2 series are: “Lady Death Gallery Crimson Turnaround Edition” and “Lady Death: Gallery”. Are these the exact same?

  • Miss Fury, Vol. 2, 1D: Was already link, you might have to re-add this one

  • Southern Nightgown, Vol. 1, 1D: The link you provided is for Vol. 2 (This series is linked), CP doesn’t seem to have the Vol. 1 on their site yet

On to the next list!

Hey Justin,

Hope you’ve had a good week. Yes, the two books under ‘Lady Death Gallery Crimson Turnaround Edition’ are the same as ‘Lady Death: Gallery’ 1I and 1J - they should be removed.



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