Last week an odd thing happened to my Music Collector: When I started the software an error message appeared, unfortunately I hadn’t noted it. After this error message I noticed that all of my settings disappeared, that is, the program returned as If I had just installed it. No more personalization of columns, search rules, folder favorites …
My question is: which folders do I have to backup, in order to restore them in case of another failure of this kind?
Best regards
Creating a backup:
If you want to keep columns, folder favorites (you could by the way easily just add the columns or pick a folder quickly, it should be fast, you should backup your User Files folder.
Use Tools > Options > Folders to see where your user files are.
Usually it’s Documents > Music Collector.
You should be looking for all those files there:
Those contain the data for folders/sorting and stuff like that.
“Search rules” is not something I’m familiar with though.
By the way: it’s unlikely your user data is gone
If you got an error, it might’ve been if you switched computers, or started using OneDrive which may have shuffled your Documents folder location, or Music Collector “wasn’t allowed” to access your user folder anymore and therefor created a new user folder somewhere on your computer (usually Documents > Music Collector).
Perhaps you now have 2 locations with user files as from my screenshot at the top.
You could do a systemwide search for for instance filters.xml and see if there are multiple results…
Then find your old one, copy them, and put them over the new ones in whatever your Tools > Options > Folders section says,
No promises this will work, but perhaps that’s what happened.