Making a case (again) for adding Legacy numbering

I know I’ve brought this up before in direct e-mail, but figured I’d suggest it here as well, specifically adding a way to track legacy numbering. This is becoming more of a thing, as DC has decided to add legacy numbering as part of their “All In” initiative.

To give specific suggestions on how it could be added (says the guy who doesn’t code, so I don’t know how easy/difficult this would be):

  • Add to either the Main or Details screen (or the Personal screen, as it can be argued tracking legacy numbering is a personal choice) a box for “Legacy series,” which can then be populated with a series name, such as “Batman” or “Amazing Spider-Man.”
  • Then there would be a separate field for the legacy number. For instance, Batman vol. 3 153 is legacy number 919.
  • These two fields should be user editable, as not every series that can be legacy numbered has been officially or semi-officially tracked, and we can update any fan / self-determined legacy numbering when an official numbering is released–or when the publisher goofs (which has happened).
  • Checkboxes would allow us to indicate if we want the legacy number to show on the title screen, and whether we want to show legacy numbering in stats. The last one is so that when we go to the Stats screen, the bar we see is not for how many issues we have of Batman Vols. 1, 2, and 3, but how many issues we have for Batman as a whole. (Saves us from having to do the math ourselves, particularly when the legacy numbers include “side series” such as Superior Spider-Man and Renew Your Vows for Amazing Spider-Man.)

In the “Cool But Maybe too Difficult” category, it’d also be great if the system could tell us if the run is uninterrupted or if we’re missing something. Probably too much to have it list what series or issues are missing to make it complete, but maybe something like “You’re missing 32 issues of an uninterrupted run from issue number 292.” :person_shrugging:

So…whatcha think? Certainly welcome any other user suggestions. But as Legacy numbering is becoming more and more of a thing, I’d personally like it if Connect web and app had built-in ways to track it. :grin: :pray:

Just my two cents:

As an additional step, I’d suggest that CLZ Core could store the legacy number when it’s printed on the book. And then just let people use the same field to fill in their own interpretations (which are sometimes provided by the comics) for the numbers leading up to that.

Adding the ability to fill in a sequence of numbers into a series of comics rather than the same thing into all of them would help too.