Mark as completed in different collections

I’d like to request an update to the Mark As Completed feature.

I have the same series in different collections in my database. Right now if I mark a series as completed in one collection that flag is set in the other collections as well.

It would be great if that flag didn’t cross collections.

I understand the request, but the Pick Lists are shared over all collections, and “completed” is a “field” of the Series pick list.

So it is shared.

Splitting a “completed” flag that into different collections would require either to split all pick lists over all collections (will not happen) - or to have an elaborate system to mark something “as complete” for “this collection” inside the Manage Pick List for Series, which might become very confusing, very fast.

Just letting you know the above is how it works, and that it is not as simple to just not share the flag over collections.

That said, can you explain the situation for me why you need this? Can you explain with actual examples, how this is something you need?

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Thanks for the explanation. It sounds like the cost of that change vastly outweighs the benefit.

Here’s my example of how I was trying to use it.

I sometimes have comics bound into hardcover volumes. For example, one of my projects is collecting all the DC Comics titles with 1980 cover dates with the intention of having them bound.

I also collect DC Comics in general. So there is overlap.

I created a collection just for the 1980 issues. When I completed a run of a title, I marked it as completed in the 1980 DC collection. Was surprised to find that it also completed that series in the main collection where it wasn’t completed.

It just means that I can’t use that setting as I want to.

I could see people who collect the same series raw and graded/encapsulated wanting to be able to do what I would like to do with that setting.

It was just a thought. Obviously not worth a complicated database change.

Just thinking along with you, (which, now looking at the length of my reply, was way too long thinking and typing, haha) but: if you have them in separate collections, what you could do, is in the 1980s collection, as those runs are not “actually complete” is maybe "move them to a different series and complete that.

Just an idea.

If you want to try, here you can try with one.

So for one of the completed 1980s series in your 1980s subcollection:

  • Open the subcollection of 1980s
  • Tap on the series (that you feel is completed) to see all issues of it
  • then tap and hold on one of the issues, then tap ALL, then tap “edit”
  • now choose the Series field (and only the series field)
  • Now change the name to be the exact same series as you had before, but use [Completed] at the end or beginning. Or [C] or something.

This would clearly mark them as completed.
You can then later, in Manage Pick Lists choose to mark that series as Complete too.
But they need to have different names.

Negatives: - it would sever the link to the series in Core, so updating them might cause issues in the future.

Alternatively you could edit those completed 1980s issues and add a “Completed” tag to those. But that is not visible from the series list.

A very alternative option would be to:

  • Use the “Completed” toggle only for series you feel are actually fully completed
  • Edit the series name if you feel it’s marked completed for the 1980s run with a [C] at the end, via “Manage Pick Lists > Series” and just rename that series.

That way you have “2 completed toggles” which are shared over your subcollections - but YOU know that the [C] means “completed for 1980s” and the “actual complete toggle” means the full series has been completed.

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Thanks for the response. Those are some good suggestions.

I had thought about editing the Series name but as you point out, that would disconnect it from the series. Then again, nothing in my alternate collection is a still an ongoing series. So, it may not matter in the end.