Marvel / DC Superhero Organizing

Big Superhero movie fan.

Been doing a little housecleaning in my Movies Collector DB Trying to come up with the best solution for organizing my DC / Marvel & other movies both in my DB and on the shelf. Up to now its been A/Z - Superhero’s.

With a 300+ live action, animated & digital standalone and tv series collection that’s still growing. I was wondering how others manage their collections?

I’m considering using franchise / series as a way to sort, think Cinematic Universe, DC Animated Movies etc. But it is hard to find decent, consistent info regarding this. Especially with all the different Universes, Tomorrowverses, Multiverses LOL. I’ve Been scouring the internet (Wikipedia/Fandom/others) but all seem to vary.

I have a lot of Superhero films but at the moment I have only organized the MCU and DCEU films.

Basically for the MCU I have create “faux” box sets for each of the phases and, with the exception of phase five, I have found custom made blu-ray art for each of the phases and use that for the cover and back pictures for the box set.

For the DCEU, I have basically lumped all of them into one box set and then created a cover photo by using the movie posters as a chart.

I haven’t done anything with the other films/TV series but I may create a box set for the CW Arrowverse and just link Season One of all the shows but haven’t decided. Some of my other films/TV are already in a box set (Batman TV 60’s TV; the 4 Batman films starting in '89, Christopher Reeve/Brandon Routh Superman, Nolan Batman) so I may have to think something else up. The other films are all one offs (so to speak) and I haven’t done anything with them, but may also spend some time thinking about them.

Since I have them all grouped by name, for the most part, if I want to look for a particular SuperHero, I just have to go to their entry in my over all list. Though for a few movies, like the Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises, since they don’t have Batman in the title they are in the D’s, but are part of of the Nolan box set that I have so I can jump to them pretty quick if I happen to looking under Batman.

Another idea I just though of is to add a new selection to the Genre field like MCU, DCEU, Batman, Superman etc. At least if you have the desktop software, which Roybo I believe you have mentioned in other posts. That would then allow you to filter your collection by Genre and selection whatever SuperHero option you have created.

I added Superhero genre long ago. But may add MCU/DCEU etc. I’m gonna tinker with adding it to the series / franchise field.

I utilized the Tags to tag MCU movies according to A. The franchise, B. The phase, and C. The saga.

@wogsurfer Been tinkering more with tags lately, may give this some consideration.

I don’t know if you were looking for something would be visible on the template or not, but I thought to myself that this is the best use for the Tag feature.

I do indeed like it visible on the template view. I found that using the “Series” adds it right at the top of the template as well as in the details. While "Tags " buries it in the details below. I may add it there regardless as the Tag may prove useful as another means of searching and sorting.


Sorry, had much going on, and never get the chance to come on.

I don’t have this on my version of the app??? I just created a topic asking about updates, I sense something seriously lacking here.

David, this is on the DESKTOP Version NOT the APP nor WEB. As you can see it is a lot more visually appealing and detail inclusive and considerably more customizable. I am holding out on switching to the web version for now.

Yeah that’s what I meant, the desktop version. I don’t have that option.

Hi Guys, This is a great thread.

I have just started cataloging my DC Animated Movie Universe (DCAMU) movies by creating a Series (I have desktop) but then I find on Wikipedia that most (maybe all) of them are also members of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies (DCUAOM)… of course with different numbering. Is there a way in Movie Collector to have a movie belong to two (or more) Series?

Speaking of numbering… is there a way to to apply a Number to each Movie in a Series?

thanks in advance

DC is a conundrum for sure. Depends on what you use as your source as to what the collectives and different series belong to. Unfortunately, there seems no way to add multiple series in Movie Collector. I’ve tinkered with a few options but none has yet to satisfy the web (oops Marvel is also an issue) these comic franchises have spun for us.
Wikipedia will get you this and more.

I have added multiple DC & Marvel series to try and clean up the works

I’ve also added a sort option using the year released in the “Title Sort”

Additionally I’ve fiddled with “Tags” and “Genre” to no personal satisfaction. I do like the thought of a numbering system. Maybe using the “Title Sort” as a means to accomplish this or re-naming a non-used field to help … hum :thought_balloon: :thought_balloon: :thought_balloon:This is why I started this thread, just looking for a better way.

I think that I’ll go really simple to start with and just create Duplicate entries in the Collectorz database and then edit the problematic fields. No reason that multiple DB entries cannot point to the same video file… I don’t think :slight_smile: