Missing comics

Not sure if this has been asked, but in CLZ comics, when selecting the find missing comics, would it be possible to add an option to select to add them to your wishlist automatically?

Would you then expect to have just issue 1A (if there’s also B, C, etc?)

Hmm. Interesting point. Not sure. Sorry, didn’t think it through

The tools to handle “what you would like to add” are of course all available in the Add screen, and I would think it would be that you want to decide that “per series”. So your best bet is to grab the missing comics, use that list maybe if you’re at a comic con, for quick reference perhaps.

If you want to add to wish list, use that same Missing Comics feature, tap on a series, then tap “Open in Add Comics”, and just tap on the “All button” at the top to select them all, then uncheck the ones you have, then add to wish list.

Or, if you have most of them, tap the non blue ones, and add those to your wish list.
And you can of course use the “hide variants” there. (I understand that might be a lot of work for some of the VERY big series). Might be good to have a “hide already owned” button there as well. Will note that.

I think a “one button to add them all” right from the Missing Comics screen is not something something most people would use, if you can’t be sure what will be added or if that is really what you want to have on your wish list. (and more importantly, Missing Comics is not the Add Comics screen, feature-wise).

That makes sense, I appreciate the explanation and suggestions.
Mine last question/suggestion on the topic.

How about the ability when you select “add comic”, and option to hide the ones you have added already. Similar to how you hide the variants

Yes, that is definitely something on our to do list after discussing your topic with the team here (it might’ve been on an ideas list, but we agree it makes sense to actually go and do this).

Oh, that’s great! And u just want to say I appreciate how receptive and engaging you are with the coz communities ideas and suggestions

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