Missing Episode in "And we have a date: Season 1"

It;s already 30 episode and not only 1. I already upload it inside the app.

We get our episode information from IMDb and they don’t have all the episodes available yet. The episode information will be updated when they are available on IMDb. Sorry about that.

Dear Martin

I already added some episodes in IMDB yesterday. and it’s already reflecting on IMDB.

Today I have uploaded all missing episodes in IMDB and it should be there by tomorrow.

Still nothing updated when I try to add the tv show again. it shows same old episodes.

What should I do to have the correct information.

The Movie is already updated for both Season 1 & 2.
Would you update your core as well.


Hi Hossam,

I’ve just updated the 2 seasons and indeed they got episodes from IMDb, which are now also available through Core!