Missing IMDB links

Hi please add IMDB links to these DVD titles. Thanks in so much :beer:

Sorry, but I don’t think it is the best use of our content manager’s time to go through these :slight_smile:

Big movies without IMDb, fine, bring em on.
Obscure movies without IMDb, meh, but at least they are actual movies.

NFL DVDs? No, sorry that is beyond what makes sense for us to spend time on.
(I am even surprised these are listed on IMDb).

Also, what’s the point of linking these to the IMDb entry? It’s not like these will have any sensible IMDb Ratings, or cast/crew?

No worries, I’m just filling in holes in my collection.

LOL, Now if these were Football :soccer: DVD’s… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So how can I add the links to these NFL Documentaries myself?
I’m more interested in ratings and votes. The cast & crew, and most other stuff, I can clean up. Just not the working IMDB (hot) links that are updatable.

Additionally, it’d be cool if we had the ability to see how many other CLZ members had a film’s title or edition in their collection. Then we’d know when not to waste your time.

Cheers man :beer: