Missing list text export

I found where I can export a missing list in a text format. But the editions that are missing are not in the same line as the title instead it is wrapped to be underneath. I am looking to have the data in one line/row in Excel to make it easy to read. I created a Macro but it is annoying to have to do that. Any suggestions to get the text export file not wrapping the missing editions underneath?

So you want the numbers behind the series title?
I’m afraid that is indeed not a setting. The Macro might be the way to go here.

On Windows the exported TXT file will look like this:

On Comic Connect web-app the exported PDF file will look like this:

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Thank you for confirming and thank you for the quick reply!. This method is not efficient when printing it out. For example this weekend Graham Cracker Comics in Chicagoland is having their twice yearly back issues sale. It’s a great way to fill out missing issues in my collection at 50% off! I print out a list of the missing issues, it makes it easy to see them when all the data is on one line in Excel. In your app, I think another option is to mark all missing issues as either Wish List or Not in Collection, which is annoying and a whole lot of extra work. PS this export also doesn’t have information such as publication years (very important!!) Looks like an opportunity to improve your product…you are already part way there with this export, it just needs to be put into a report format with more information.

I had a request to have like a “year” behind the series name… so like

Series Name (2010-2014)
1A, 1AA, 1AC


I think that is a good idea.

Or do you want an export with “1 issue per line, with way more data, per issue”?

Adding the years is good when you have a title that has multiple series runs. My pick list when going to my LCS’s sale is to have all this info in each row of my Excel spreadsheet:

|Howard Hohnsen Comics tracking|||||||||
||A=Active, No missing issues|||||||C=Collected Issues|
||AMI=Active, Missing Issues|||||||G=Graphic Novel|
||C=Completed|||||||O=One Shot|
||NAM=Not Active, Missing Issues||2024|||||L=Limited Series|
Column Titles = |Publisher|Status|Main Title|Sub Title or Series|# of Issues|HH Qty|Missing Issues|Series Years|S=Series|
Example of data = |Boom! Studios|NAM|Firefly/Serenity|The Sting|1|No|???|2019|G=Graphic Novel|