[Added] MISSING: Peek-a-Boo 3-D

Publisher: 3D Zone
1991 - $3.95 Artist: Bill Ward

Added, thank you for reporting.

Oh, and regarding submitting missing issues; please read this :slight_smile: : IMPORTANT: New rules for reporting missing comics!


@CLZ_Rowdy Yes… Alwin told me about your new rules on Facebook.
I’ll just add stuff to my own database and not report them moving forward.

NOTE: I have to add them to my own database in order to do a “Submit to core”, which now becomes an extra step for me which I may or may not do in an individual basis.
Since I add so many comics you guys do not have, I suggested to Alwin that you guys may want to crawl thru my database quarterly looking for stuff I have added that is not in core and do your own automated “Submit to Core” based on my data.

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