Moving Multiple Storage Boxes to a newly formed Collection

I have 30 long boxes of comics (about 8500 comics) which I would like to move from their present collection to a newly created collection.

Is there a way to move multiple storage boxes and all their comics at the same time? The only way i’m seeing to do this is to first select each individual box and then select ALL comics in each box and then change their collection. Trying not yo have to do this for 30 boxes. Can it be done? Ty

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I’m afraid that is indeed the way, tap the box, then select all comics inside, then tap action, then tap “move to other collection”.

It is not possible to select “storage box folders” I’m afraid, but it’s one that I’m writing down as an idea.

The only folder you can “select” to then move to other collection is “Series”:
It is possible if you’re foldering on “series” to select series and move those to another collection in one go - if you know exactly which series need to be moved, that might be an option too.

Thanks for the reply.
For context the reason this is an important function for subscribers is that many functions occur at tge storage box level.
For instance, I am selling off a portion of my collection (like many collectors will do). I am selling not by series but clearing out the lower value books. So I have moved those books into certain boxes. Now I am trying to use tge CLZ Statistics function for just those books in that newly segregated collection i am selling (Covrprice value, cover dates, publishers, etc) in order to describe those books to possible purchasers. Also so that i can provide an exportable collection issue list to purchasers without giving them access to my remaining personal collection. The only way to presently get the statistics or share link to data for multiple boxes is at the “collection” level so quickly movibg boxes and all their contents would be a great function in future updates. Thanks.
Sent from my iPhone

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Thanks for explaining.

So one of the big reasons you want certain boxes in a different collection is so you can see statistics based on particular storage boxes?

Yes thats correct.
In new updates it would help t:

  1. Be able to see all the Statistical Analytics at the storage box level.
  2. Being able to select Multiple boxes for Statistical analysis would be great. For example if someone has multiple ASM boxes they want to aggregate and select for separate analysis apart from their entire collection.
  3. Be able to select and multiple Storage Boxes for edit to another collection

Thank you for your reply.

Could you explain some more reasons for wanting to see statistics as in the statistics screen (and which ones exactly) per storage box, or per multiple storage boxes?

Yes. When myself and other users want to obtain aggregated data about what’s in a full box or number of boxes I do not believe it’s presently possible unless they are put into a distinct collection.
For instance, if I want to know information about what’s in A certain box or number of boxes, presently I can only do that one box at a time. The information is also limited I believe to the total value I want to understand the publishers, the number of titles, the age range of publication, The number of keys, Etc., I cannot do that. My understanding is that only exists at the collection level.
It would be great to be able to Tap on his storage box or hold a storage box down and click on several storage boxes and gets statistical information for one or all of those that have chosen. Similar to editing book issues and the way we can add one or multiple books at the same time.
Regarding the specific information, frankly, it would be great if we could just use the same information the presently exists in your statistical analysis
Does this help?

Yes, thank you for explaining, and I do see some benefits of being able to “get statistics” on “a selection of comics” - which could also be storage box folders. This has been noted now.

We’ve never had this request specifically like that before though. When you say yourself and other users, do you mean other users on your collection? Is this perhaps for a shop or something?

I am a private collector with a large collection, although i do actively buy and sell. Dealers and other private collectors who sell portions of tgeir collection, often list “Comic Books for Sale” in quantities of “XXXX short and or long boxes containing XXX comics”
More and more frequently i have seen sellers on Facebook Marketplace, Craigs List, and community Yard Sale platforms utilize CLZ to provide access to their boxes of comics for sale with a link or downloadable file so potential buyers can evaluate the books for sale. The link or screen shots often takes buyers to the Statistics Page. This is extremely helpful in the dealing process for both parties to share detailed information on the comics for sale.
At present, everyone must isolate those comics they are selling into another collection in order to quantify that information. It would be easier if we could just select the boxes we are selling.
Another example of good use would be for people who experience damage (flood, water leak, fire, etc…) or even theft to a only a portion of their collection and are seeking to specifically quantify details of this limited loss of their boxes including issues, purchase cost, present values, etc…for insurance claims or police reports.
The added feature woukd make it much easier.
Here is an example of a CLZ member who utilizing this method on Facebook Marketplace to sell some of his comics (photos 2-6 are of his CLZ statistics pages):

Thanks for explaining.

We’ve got it on our ideas list to:

  • be able to get statistics on a selection
  • be able to select “storage box folders” (I’m not sure to enable selecting folders on all folders right now)

Thank you. Your team is always so responsive. Appreciate it.