Apparently you can only add musicians/instruments per album. But on very many albums, the musicians/instruments vary from track to track. Can it be that CLZ doesn’t make it possible to capture this information?
As far as I’ve found, only as a text field, not from the musicians or artists lists.
CLZ Music Web does not have an “edit track” feature where you can dive deep into the track and put all those musicians/instruments per track. I see your request, but right now it is not planned to make this happen I’m afraid.
Please add +1 to that feature request!
I’m carefully comparing the feature set between the Desktop and Web versions, in case using the Desktop version ever becomes untenable (although in that case I’ll probably move away from Clz, since “offline-first” and “local storage” are pretty much non-negotiable for me; but you never know). And the thing I find most sorely lacking is the switch between Album View and Track View.
I spent some effort to enter Songwriters and Producers in the Personnel section of tracks. Being able to find and see connections between albums and artists like that is one of the reasons why I enjoy maintaining my own collection database.