NCBD adds

As mentioned elsewhere, I just started poking around with the updated NCBD.

  1. Are there any plans to extend the selection range beyond two weeks? I have long used League of Comic Geeks (LoCG) to manage my LCS pull list. When the order books come out, I am able to flag new issues/series in LoCG not due to drop for 8+ weeks. CLZ seems good at tracking My Series, but for new items, it seems I’ll have to wait and use the All or #1s views closer to the release date.

Note: I do see that far future books appear under Add Series. However, there are times where I’m adding several new pulls which would be tedious via search - select - star - repeat. Prime example - there’s 10+ series coming for Venom War. In LoCG, i can just walk through each week (kind of like NCBD) and tag them as new pulls instead of having to search for each one separately.

  1. How are My Series determined? While I have Venomverse, I wasn’t expecting to see Venomverse Reborn already under My Series. Conversely, I have various Black Widow series, but Black Widow: Venomous isn’t flagged under My Series.

Currently the NCDB feature shows releases up to Sept 21, which is about 8 weeks ahead.

Can you explain why you think you need to search for each one separately?
You should be able to just select a release from the NCDB tool and then tap the star icon at top left.

These are the series you already have in your database.

Maybe you already have some on your Wish List?

  1. I was looking at Later which is two weeks out. I didn’t notice that All Weeks actually goes out to Sep 21.

That said, most publishers released their pre-orders for all of September. For example, Venom War: Daredevil #1 has a release date of Sept 25 and this was announced a few weeks ago. That’s the real target of my request - being able to have CLZ pulls match my pre-orders like I do with LoCG. If it did, i could actually drop LoCG.

  1. I got caught by a 2nd print listing. I haven’t hit VV: Reborn #1 in my read stack and forgot it came out in June.

We do the same. We get the same info from the distributors.
Can you let me know which releases you are not seeing exactly?

Here’s what LoCG already has for #1s the week of Sept 25 (filtered for my pulls - there are others).

I realize LoCG is a separate app but I don’t think it would take much for CLZ to match their pull list capabilities.

But just to be clear, this not really about the Pull List features?

I mean, this is more about future releases being available in the Core database?

Mmm, it seems we DO have that one listed already, with the correct Sept 25 release date:

Yes. Last Halloween is also there. But they are currently only accessible through Add Series. NCBD only shows through Sept 21. Those are both Sept 25.

Sort of. It’s about the date range of NCBD going into the future a little further such that I can browse without using the Series tab and then being able to append my pull list.

Currently, the “All Weeks” option includes releases up to 8 weeks in the future.
We have chosen this limit because we hardly ever have releases listed further in the future than that. Simply because the release lists we get from distributors usually only include releases up to 2 months in the future.

At this moment, the end date of the All Weeks option is Sept 21.
The releases you mention are for Sept 25, just outside the range.
They will be included next week.

Unfortunately, solicitations usually come out at the start of the month (e.g. early July for Sept) so the time gap can be closer to 10-12 weeks for late month releases (as evidenced by the items that have been mentioned).

I guess I’ll have to manage pulls thriugh Add Series or just stick with LoCG.

It would be a small change for us to stretch that time period, up to 12 weeks or something.
But I am not sure if we should, because we rarely have releases listed that far ahead.