New comics

Roughly how long does it take for comics to be added to core?

Hi Steve,
That is a pretty generic question. We are adding comics to Core every single day, all day :slight_smile:

Is there a specific comic you are asking about?

Hey, thanks for responding.
I added a few issues of a new independent comic called Ground Hammer and the Defender of the Realms to the pinned post, I’ve had a response from Sytske Hermman advising that i should make the request here as moving forward that’s home to do it so I’ll try and figure out ou today, cheers.

Which pinned post is that?

I think that’s the series involved.

On the Facebook group, it’s featured.

Ah, Facebook… I remember that.

We are trying to move all Missing Comics reports to this Club CLZ forum. We try to process all Missing Comics reports posted here within a day.