No 2nd image in detail

How can I view my back cover in the details screen?? (if I remember correctly there where 2 dots below the picture in the past, but they are not there anymore).

By the way: Would be great if I have the option to show both pictures immediately in the detailed view. In 90% of the cases I need to check which manual or the quality of the cartridge I have in my collection. I am using the Edit screen for that (as I see both images at the same time…)


If the game has a back cover on Game Connect, it will be visible by hovering the mouse over the image:

That said, that won’t work on a tablet (as you can’t “hover” your finger over the image).

In our CLZ Games app, you do get the little dots below the image. And that should be a good solution for Game Connect too.
Perhaps you remember it from the CLZ Games app?

As for showing both in details panel:
The details panel is up for redesign (this is a planned project, but I have no ETA right now), where we indeed aim to show both covers if there is space for it. Or “always” if the user so desires. This is still all being planned.