No Hardware/Games view when sharing the collection

I have shared my collection (privately) with some collectors. But in the shared webview there is no distinction in hardware and games. The hardware items (consoles) appear in the list of games.

In my Game Connect I use the folder view (on the left side): Platform, Games/Hardware

And because hardware items have a lot less fields - you can’t sort or filter them too.

Please add the (folder) sorting: Games/Hardware also in the shared webview.

The “Games/Hardware” field seems to have been set as a “personal” field on Connect.
So to make this work for the people viewing your collection you have to set it to “show personal fields when sharing” – But we’ve checked and it’s kind of weird that it is set to “personal”.

So we’ve just fixed this and now your friends who have your private share link will be able to set the folder setting to “Games/Hardware”.

Your friends can see even more folder options if you check the box for “Show personal fields when sharing” by the way.