I’m assuming you might be behind a VPN? NordVPN?
We would like to investigate:
Keep NordVPN “on”.
Open browser, then go to CLZ Web
Right mouse button on the page, then “Inspect”
Refresh page with the Inspect panel open
Now click on “CONSOLE” at the top and view the errors (if any)
Click on NETWORK at the top
Now click the “LAZYLOAD” line that should appear in the left panel
If you can film that for us we might get further! You can record your screen via this website:
You can send me the file(s) via:
Yes I am exactly that - behind Nord VPN!!
Ill run the capture shortly, many thanks
Thank you for willing to try that!
Let me know if that worked out or if you’ve sent it already (I didn’t see any video come in yet in our system here)!
Same thing with me. All working well until few days ago now no movies show up in web profile only on cloiud ( mobile)
Followed the above & it told me copilot was the problem. turned it off in Edge & movies reappaered!!
Unfortunately they appeared for a minute & now disappeared again
We have found the problem: NordVPN was injecting code into what you see in your browser, making the loading just… stop.
In any case: we have found a fix for the problem, and you can enable everything in NordVPN again, and the CLZ Web apps will work again.
Can you guys give it a try?
Yippee - all working again - many thanks for this!
When did the layouts change?
Thanks for letting us know @Jamie1 ! Good to read it’s working for you now too.
Which layouts changed exactly? The user can set different layouts, so a lot can be modified to your wishes!
Can you show me with a screenshot what you see (and tell me what you expected) ?