No Update - no Programm?

at the Moment i have no valuable Upgrade on my CLZ Musik. since a few month.
Now i can’t start the Program.
Is this OK ore do i have to upgrade?
I hope you can understand my question.
Thank you

Hi @martin1

You do not have to upgrade, when I check your account you are still completely okay and you can still use the software.

You can download your software on

We have indeed stopped the development of the legacy Collector desktop software. There will not be any feature updates anymore, but we may still do maintenance/compatibility updates when absolutely necessary.

Our complete focus is on the CLZ Web web-based software and of course the CLZ mobile apps. For use on your computer, the CLZ Web software is the way to go and we are recommending all desktop users to switch to the web-based software ASAP.

CLZ Music Web is easier to use and easier to manage, while still giving you all features and customization options.
Also, CLZ Music Web is what all our development and support is focused on.

If you switch to CLZ Music Web with our Trade-In offer, we will trade-in your remaining Music Collector subscription days and will transfer them to CLZ Music Web, plus we will add 4 extra months for free.

Full details about the advantages of CLZ Music Web, and our Trade-In Offer can be found here:

Let me know if you are interested or have any questions about switching to CLZ Music Web.

That’s not exactly correct. There are a few features in the desktop software that do not exist in the web platform, as described in this post…