Oldest book

What is everyone oldeat book?Mine ? Archie 15 1945 my one and onky WW2 era book.

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According to my app, it’s World’s Finest #114


What year is that?

Not including a bunch of stuff without dates it looks like the oldest comic I have is from 1964

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The app says December 1960!


Mine is Batman #131 Feb 1960

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Mine is this Famous Feature Stories #1 from 1939. Its pretty beat but also pretty scarce and not listed in CLZ app so I had to make my own entery for it.


Star Trek (Western Pub.) #4, 1969

This is my oldest. My grandpa bought this for me while we were vacationing in Waldport, Oregon, in a little store along the Oregon coast that doesn’t exist any longer. It was called the Big Stump Store (or something like that) a short walk from the grandparent’s cabin at Big Stump Beach. I can’t verify that this is absolutely the 8th printing (May 1966) but it is about right. That would make me about 8 years old at the time. This is the first and only comic of that time period that I still have as others that I bought in my childhood were stolen by movers that my parents hired when we moved in 1972. I should add that my copy was read and reread, over and over and is in somewhat worn shape. The only reason that this wasn’t stolen with the rest of my childhood collection is because I kept it with my regular books. It wasn’t the smartest thing to do as it ended up torn (front cover) and, being young, I taped the cover myself in an amateurish repair effort. Someday, if I was going to sell my collection, this is the one I would keep as it was a gift and reminds me of my grandfather.


1941 Four Color Comics #14

Nov 1963


According to cover date, it’s a Canadian comic called Grand Slam Comics. I likely have an older one but I don’t think the database has a lot of the cover dates listed for some of the more obscure Golden Age comics.


1946 I think…
Always looking for more but harder and harder to locate for sure

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That’s such a beautiful cover… 1963? The way the grenade was rendered made me think of a contemporary Brian Bolland!

One of my favourite characters within the DCU

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