Possible API access to migrate data?

Hi there! Firstly I just love the clz app as it scratches my itch for a comprehensive way to manage my comics collection. The problem I have is how many tools I tried until I got to here and how spread out my information is. In particular I’ve used the league of geeks app to rate and review my comics as I read them. I’d really love it if there was a way for me to update the, read status, and my notes for each comic with my review.

I am a software engineer by trade and I’ve backed up my reviews and ratings for all the stuff I’ve done on league of geeks but how can I iterate through this info and update each one of the corresponding comics in my clz app without an extensive manual process? If there was a way to do so with http requests via some sort of api token that would be amazing and I could write a python script to do that in no time at all but please don’t tell me it’s all closed off and only editable by hand one by one.

My latest review as I read through all the x books from Giant size X-men to Claremont’s exit and then some for example: https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/profile/plutar/reviews/7164758

I am afraid there is no API to access the data, Sorry!