Possible Sort Name Bug

Trying to sort titles that are titled numerically and/or begin with a number, e.g.:

18 Days
2001: A Space Odyssey
22 Brides
4001 A.D.

so that they appear:
18 Days
22 Brides
2001: A Space Odyssey
4001 A.D.

I thought I could use the “Sort Name” feature by left-padding 0s and it mostly works. However, it appears that for titles that are comprised solely of digits (e.g. 300 in the list above) , when adding left-padding, it seems to ignore and/or remove it on save.

We tried that here and had no problems setting the Sort Name of a Series to “00300”.
Can you try that again?

Here’s a screenshot where I tried what you’re doing:

On the right you see the left padded 0s, to create the sort title, which it also saved, and it works sorting on it!


I tried it again just now with 2 of my titles. After i click save, I don’t see any changes in the sort order in the left panel (using Series folder) and when i click to “Edit Series” again, i don’t see my changes saved…

Sorry. I got the problem reproduced now. Will look into it and get back to you!

So I’ve been refreshing a few times before and after… But this is what I see after I save, when I try and edit again:

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 10.25.56 AM

And to clarify, I’m editing the series names. Don’t know if this is a localization difference, but the columns in your screen shots appear to be “Title” (while trying to display that column, I don’t see “Sort Title” as an option).

Yes, I got it reproduced. If you fill in “00300 P” it does save it. And you can later remove the P.

But it’s still weird.

I’ve reported it with our developers to look into.

Thanks for the workaround!

We’ve just fixed this problem, thanks for reporting the bug. You should now be able to just type in leading 0’s and save them without any problem at all!

Can you verify?

Looks addressed. Didn’t have any more number only titles since I used the workaround provided previously. However, I added a new number only title and left-padded it. It appears to have retained the padding!

thanks so much!

Great! Thanks for letting us know :slight_smile: