Pull List sync?

I use CLZ comics on both my iPhone and iPad. I recently added all the titles from my pull list at my LCS to using the app on iPad but just noticed that the list hasn’t synced when I tried to look at my list using iPhone. My collection is syncing fine. Surely the Pull List is meant to sync along with all other data? I sure hope so.


That is correct, the pull list is a local “setting / favorites list” and does not sync through the CLZ Cloud currently.

This was on our ideas list for the Pull List feature, but due to the enormous complexity and costs of making this syncable, we decided not to do this (for now). We may still add this later though, if we can think of a good solution to do this!

Thanks for this reply and explanation! Obviously I’m a big +1 on working toward being able to sync them. I do most of my input on iPad, but often check and update on iPhone when I’m out and about. I guess I’ll try to fake it with tags for now.


It looks like this functionality may have changed. See my discovery using CLZ 9.4.

Can you confirm?

And while we’re on the topic of syncs and CC Pull List, I noticed something odd.

While I now seem to be able to change and sync pull status for current or even completed series, when a non-yet-released series is added to the app pull list, it doesn’t show up on the items-to-be-sync’ed.

For example, I can add Spider-Man, vol. 4 (last released Aug 2023) and Venom War (to-be-released Aug 7th) on the app and I can see VW in my NCBD pull list. However, when I go to sync, only SM gets sent over.

The same goes for changes in the other direction. I can flag SM and VW in CC - VW will show up in the Aug 04 - Aug 10 Pull List but when I sync from the app, only SM is downloaded.

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Yes this has changed, and works for most cases, but not all. It is still not perfect.

The exact list doesn’t sync as a loose object that syncs through. The sync always happens via issues in your database.

So for pull list syncing the way it works now is that at least one comic from the series you added on your pull list has to be added/exist in your database (doesn’t matter which one).

That is what you are seeing.

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