Question about viewing Box Sets…


Is there any way to have box sets appear within the list view panel? My hope would be to have the list view panel more closely emulate how my actual, physical shelves appear, with the box and its art containing the individual movies within it. I know I could create a box set as a single entry, but I would prefer to have each movie be its own entry.

I have used DVD Profiler in the past, and was a fan of how they used a nesting feature for this purpose. I understand that this is different software, and implementing something like could be difficult, but I was curious if it might be a possible consideration at some point (and, as a CLZ Movies user as well, having a similar feature show up there as well would be ideal).

Thank you for your time and consideration. I remain a big fan of the software in general, and appreciate any and all feedback.

I understand the request, and it indeed would be cool. But I’m curious how we would display it. You’d have the list of movies, and then there is this “box set entry” that would contain movies, which are one level deeper, but still also just “movies” - so on the same level as higher up.

Now for regular understanding (and being close to what you have on your shelf) that feels normal, but technically it feels weird that movies are also found an extra level deeper. Right now if you click a box set, in the details panel you already see all those movies inside, which you can click, to quickly jump to them in your collection.

Another point of thought on this feature: if say 3 movies are contained in a box set and their names are:
The Ring

(yes the greatest box set of all time).

And you would sort by “alphabetical” - and you go to the R. You would not see “The Ring” - because of the “enclosed box set” feature - and that could mean you might think you don’t have that movie - but you do.

In the current situation, the Ring DOES appear under the R. And when you click it you see that it is part of your box set!

This has become a way too long message. I do wonder how DVD Profiler did that - might have to check that out.

As far displaying box sets, the way that DVD Profiler did (still does?) it would be to show the box set art on the “shelves” right along with all of the other non-box set individual titles. The only difference would be a small icon indicating that it included other items nested inside (in their case, a small ‘+’ in the upper righthand corner of the art).

Upon clicking the ‘+’, the nested items within the box set would appear to the right of the box set art as the individual titles that they are, simply pushing the titles that follow the box set further down the ‘shelves.’ If a box set had been expanded, the ‘+’ icon would change to a ‘-’, and clicking it would contract the box set to its initial state.

As for what the details panels might show if one were to just click on the box set art, instead of expanding it, I admit, I hadn’t really thought too much about that, but I suppose it could simply work similarly to how it currently works if one selects a box set from the folder menu, where it shows the box set contents, with the details from the first title in said box set.

In your ‘Greatest Box Set of All Time’ example, yes, it’s true that The Ring would not show up on its own under ‘R’, but that would also be true of an actual physical box set as well. I suppose it ultimately comes down to a question of preference, and I would imagine the ideal scenario would allow users to make their own decisions about how they want their movies displayed. I suppose there may very well be people out there who don’t keep the physical box sets that they buy, and remove all the titles within and display them as individual movies.

Anyway, this has also become a way too long message, but I very much appreciate the engagement and consideration on your end. I look forward to hearing any more thoughts on the matter.


Thank you for your detailed reply. With the data that the app stores for box set, something like you’re suggesting would likely be possible indeed, and I will take note of your request here.

For now the only way is the way you already found out: adding the box set as “one entry” where the movie titles will appear in the Plot of the movie. Just a workardound for now, but probably not the one you should take.

Other than that you can of course click the folder icon top left, and then group by Box Set to quickly see all your box sets grouped together.

Maybe something like that will help you as well!